How To Respond To Man Up

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ii. If yous want to question my masculinity, similar a schoolyard circumvolve of curses, like a swordfight with light saber erections, save your breath. Considering reverse to what yous may believe..."
brilliant! well done!

I can simply itinerate what you already said!

Would "Women Up" be a derogatory term?
Still love it though and I understand what it is going against! I concur with all of information technology, wish I could have been able to limited more of myself equally a child, however trying to grab support.

Why do we always inquire someone to "man upward" when they have to practise something daring but we ask them to "stop crying like a woman" when they complain or autumn weak?
It'due south non your error you didn't take offense when you didn't because ever since we're small kids we're taught that girls need to be frail and boys tough. People do information technology so often that they don't even realize they're doing information technology anymore! But the times are changing and information technology's about time that "phrases" like these are revisited.

I can't itinerate how much I dear the responses in the offset post. Sassy:)

I understand what you hateful completely.
Someone telling you lot to "grow a pair" is like telling a man to "grow ovaries"... It doesn't make whatever sense and information technology is something incommunicable... Very rude of these men, they probably have some issues with who they are themselves.
It is the aforementioned affair when women try to compare me to a domestic dog saying I am some animalistic simplistic creature. (Since some don't call up I express enough oompf in my tears)
Families have been ruined for a while now maxim and teaching inaccurate things. Hopefully, this volition be analyzed and worked on in the future... merely I think media, movies, and shows are doing a wonderful job at pointing these things out. Otherwise.... it would nearly be impossible.
I but know my children (whenever that may be) will be able to dress themselves and express their inner desires, and know that they can be who they want to be.

The idea that you need to be potent and immovable object, a person with the emotional cease..."
Ryan, I actually concord with your terminal line!
The thing about "man up" that besides gives me the itchies is that information technology'south centering around men, and you really can't use it for anybody not-human, in my opinion, and it is really sectional therefore.

Maybe we should just modify the phrase and the significant of it, to what it could mean instead of allowing people to change it something negative.
Peradventure "human up" is a better alternative? Personally the words has a positive and loving meaning, to be a man meaning to become through the tough times allowing yourself to show emotions and expressions.... so it is hard for me to accept the negative aspect of this.
Do really nearly people think that is what the term means? If and then I am very deplorable.... my dad used to tell me this all the time... but he didn't hateful it to exist ignorant or emotionless... then dislocated at the moment.
Indeed I take heard such phrases as "don't exist a pussy", which I honestly did also didn't really like. What does that even mean? Aren't women humans? What does a sexual organ accept to do with anything at all?
I must be actually weird... now I am doubting other words that could be a dandy influence on me since I accept been a child, actually could cause others pain...

Now, "human being up" sounds great! Includes everyone, nosotros'd but need to change the meaning. To shut down your emotions is not something worth recommending...

@ Everyone else
At present this has me questioning:
Does anything with "human being" automatically hateful masculinity? Or Ignorance? Or Emotionless? Or Immovable? Or Hatred? Or Corrupt?
Sigh I always thought the word "human being" just means another course of human existence, nothing more... "woman" just besides should hateful some other form of human being being... we are all humans aren't nosotros?
Utterly dislocated at the moment with these things...
How incorrect one tin can be :(

@ Anybody else
Now t..."
I definitely agree with yous on shutting down emotions, yous take to work that out, and non just shut it downward, and then it simply becomes worse later.
"Man" and "Woman" for me are social constructs, a "gender role", so, ah, I don't know why we have to force ourselves into those boxes.

@Ryan I agree with your stance every bit well! A few days ago I saw a video with Storks and the boy automatically was given a football helmet and shoulder pads. I remember standing up and yelling bullshit as my parents watched me go on a rant (I think they know what I mean haha). Does that maybe fit with what yous were talking more about?
So I think that there are almost 'demanding' terms which could hurt those that feel that it is oppressing them in some way.
Information technology is tough to know when something shouldn't matter and when it should.
Well-nigh stuff I just let go past me, since I really don't care what others think about me, just then there are small things that just push button my buttons more than other people.
Perchance the tone of saying these things also emphasize on whether the person means it negatively or positively. Also knowing the person who says it probably helps as well.

I understand what you lot mean completely.
Someone telling you to "grow a pair" is like telling a homo to "abound ovaries"... It doesn't make any sense and it is something incommunicable... Very ru..."
Not to go on the defense but, I recollect when women compare men to dogs they normally do it in a state of hurt. I agree it's derogatory to a man to be generalized like that only it is a different effect. Generalizing someone and asking them to be someone they're not are two different things. Then while I agree with what y'all're trying to say there, I don't concur that it'south the same matter.
It'due south safe to say that the coming generation would be a lot more confident near themselves and free :)
@Ryan, I absolutely hold.
It'southward non just the gender implication only also the gender restrain and the gender pressure. If it is so offensive to a woman, information technology is as well super unfair to men. I empathise the pressure you're talking well-nigh. I might not exactly capture how it feels but I empathize. Information technology's non only unfair but at some level, I feel, information technology'southward likewise damaging (and I've seen to what extend) to a man to be questioned nearly his masculinity merely considering all he needs sometimes is a hug and an emotional outlet. We as women understand what "man up" is trying to imply, but it is merely as derogatory to us to be told that simply considering we don't accept a pair we're somehow less than about 50% of the population. Information technology'south disrespectful to us even when you and then much as fifty-fifty call up that because we're women we're not strong plenty, if at all.
@Eternal, that is a beautiful concept. The thing nearly the phrase is that information technology has been embedded in people'south mind for such a long time at present and the negative implications have go such a part of the phrase, that hardly anyone thinks of the homo in the phrase every bit a human being. For them man is a chromosome organization of 10 and Y with a pair who is not supposed to show weakness. The idea is so deeply embossed in their conscience that they don't even realize when they're subconsciously insinuating it. If y'all had a dad who was to a higher place this, you were very lucky growing upwardly to have such a part model to look up to.
I don't even empathise the implication of "don't be a pussy". You think it's easy to exist a pussy? Exercise you have any thought what a "pussy" has to tolerate in a lifetime? If you lot did, y'all wouldn't exist using it equally a synonym for weakness, let me tell you that! It's not about having a thick skin to not be offended by information technology. It's virtually being comfortable in your own skin to not feel the need to demoralize others to feel good about yourself.
And honestly, I don't recollect information technology was until the gender of a human became so of import to them that they started using phrases like these. Man simply started equally an abbreviation to homo but it'due south sad to see what it's come downwards to.

Uh, do yous accost me in this?
I don't know, information technology simply doesn't affect me. Merely then I'm not affected by gender-specific insults, really.
And I do know what pussies have to go through! Some more others.
I even so have the theory that "man" is an sometime word for "human", for that would get the same line as it does in German.

Seeing how the "pussy" in question is more likely not meant to be a true cat (don't laugh, as an innocent youngster I did recall that, and wonder why you lot shouldn't be a pussy), I would class that around the same line of stupidity as saying that "no erect is then hard equally life".

Only thinking nearly what we say can modify the world.

I completey hold with you, just I fear in Austria we have to become a long way until we are at the point where I want us to be.
Gerd wrote: "Ishita wrote: "I don't fifty-fifty sympathise the implication of "don't exist a pussy". Y'all recollect it'due south easy to exist a pussy? Do you have any idea what a "pussy" has to tolerate in a lifetime?"
Seeing how the ..."
Don't tell me THAT is a saying in English or German!? That is so rude, and insensitive. I haven't come across information technology yet, I promise I never will.

I'm wondering about that too, but I'd rather not know. We don't have to elaborate on everything. As yous said, sexual euphemisms, and therefore actually not worth giving a damn about it, other than not to use it, and tell other people not to use information technology!

@Gerd oh gosh, I actually promise that's not really what people say! That's the most absurd euphemism I've heard withal.

No, you didn't offend me:)
I was simply confused because it sounded like an answer to what I wrote!

Good betoken! And so I will go along to add humanity to the word "man" like my Dad ;)
But isn't "Human" and "Woman" similar to "Dissimilar kind of Feminist" and "Different kind of Feminist"?
Both are Human being and both are Feminist, but they have their differences...
I encourage you lot to get sentry it :)

The only thing I would disagree with is this:
Because women and the women's movement figured out a long time ago that being direct, explicitly ordered effectually by commercials, magazines, and music is dehumanizing.
Unfortunately, I do not believe this to be true. Otherwise nosotros wouldn't have the edited waste material of newspaper known as Cosmopolitan, Glamour and other mainstream magazines marketed towards women. Women are still very much subject to the influence of commercials, magazines and other stuff.
What is being a human being, anyway? This is the reason why I am getting more and more than into the genderless approach when writing fiction. Because I want to detach myself from this whole toxic culture of the masculine and the feminine. The fact that many of those bullet points listed in order to tell each gender apart are 'true' is not considering they intrinsically are, just rather because we insist on being stuck in wrong, harmful conceptions.
To be honest, I don't fifty-fifty enjoy the 'damn, she's got ovaries' expression. How about we just don't associate personality traits with genitalia and reproductive organs. How about someone just being courageous, brave, sensible, etc.? Would it kill u.s.a. all to slowly modify our use of linguistic communication? Considering it does bear a great influence on our minds, irregardless of what we may recall.

Information technology's great to see you once again too, Ana! And I would agree with you in that nosotros both disagree on the "Considering women and the women's move figured out a long fourth dimension ago that being straight, explicitly ordered effectually by commercials, magazines, and music is dehumanizing."
Maybe the women's move did, just definitely not women every bit a whole, as sad equally that is.
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